The Mansion

The Lounge

A former granary, it is now the heart of all activities during winter, holding into itself the cordial and convivial atmosphere offered…

The Courtyard

Rich in natural scents and colours, it is the heart of the mansion: a spacious area that ensures a cherished sense of privacy, in...

The Pool

Surrounded by luscious greenery and rolling hills, the pool offers all the amenities desired for a comfortable stay in total relaxation…

The Apartments

The four apartments are located in the spaces previously occupied by the historical farm, in total harmony with the surrounding facility. Each apartment bears the mark of the unmistakable charming atmosphere of the mansion, offering a warm stay to all guests. Two apartments are located on the ground floor, with entrances on the yard. The remaining two are located on the first floor, with a view of both the yard and pool area.




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